Our fleet of aircraft is a fleet of modern and reliable airliners that ensure safe and comfortable flights.
The RRJ-95B-100, or Sukhoi Superjet 100, is a regional passenger aircraft developed by the Russian Sukhoi company. It is designed to carry up to 93 passengers over a distance of up to 3048 km.
The CRJ-200 is a regional passenger aircraft developed by the Canadian company Bombardier. It can accommodate up to 50 passengers and is designed for short routes up to 2820 km. The aircraft is known for its economy, reliability and efficiency, which has made it popular with airlines around the world for regional transportation.
Severstal Avia aircraft are named after the great pilots of the Soviet Union. We proudly honor the exploits of our heroes the Great Patriotic War.
RRJ-95B-100 89117 is named after Mikhail Petrovich Zhukov (1917-1943)
This is a fighter pilot of the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union. In total, he flew 286 combat missions, shot down 9 enemy aircraft personally and 5 in a group in 66 air battles.
RRJ-95B-100 89118 is named after Alexey Nikolaevich Godovikov (1914 — 1942)
Military Commissar of the 1st Squadron of the 740th Fighter Aviation Regiment of the 148th Fighter Aviation Division of the Cherepovets-Vologda divisional area of the USSR Air Defense, political instructor, Hero of the Soviet Union. Destroyed 5 enemy planes.
RRJ-95B-100 89135 praises the name of Evgeny Nikolaevich Preobrazhensky (1909 — 1963)
Participant of the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union, Commander of the aviation of the USSR Navy, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the USSR Navy, Colonel-General of Aviation.
RRJ-95B-100 89119 is named after Vasily Andreevich Kotyunin (1920 — 1978)
A participant in the Great Patriotic War, an attack pilot of the 15th Guards Assault Aviation Regiment. Hero of the Soviet Union. By November 1944, he had flown 180 sorties, destroyed 5 aircraft at airfields, 14 tanks, 62 cars, and 36 enemy wagons.
CRJ-200 67239 is named after Alexander Fedorovich Klubov (1918 — 1944)
Soviet ace, participant of the Great Patriotic War, fighter pilot, twice Hero of the Soviet Union. During the war, he flew 457 fighter sorties, personally shot down 31 aircraft in 109 air battles and 19 enemy aircraft as part of a group.
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