
Sale on subsidized routes is open

Severstal Avia informs about the opening of sales for subsidized routes for the SUMMER 2025 season in the following destinations:

  • Petrozavodsk - Kaliningrad - Petrozavodsk (Fridays, from June to September on Fridays and Sundays);
  • Petrozavodsk - Mineralnye Vody - Petrozavodsk (on Saturdays);
  • Petrozavodsk - Yekaterinburg - Petrozavodsk (on Saturdays, from June to August on Tuesdays and Saturdays);
  • Kaluga - Kaliningrad - Kaluga (in April and October on Wednesdays, from May to September on Tuesdays and Thursdays).


We will be glad to see you on board Severstal Avia!

Северсталь Авиа
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