To Ukhta from St. Petersburg or Moscow
with a 10% discount using the UKHTA promo code

Requests for the execution, modification or cancellation of flights must be submitted to the production and dispatch service of Cherepovets Airport at least 3 working days before the planned flight date at the following addresses:

  • DSP service: +7 (8202) 675-206, cqfc@frirefgny-nivn.pbz
  • Working hours of the DSP: around the clock.

Requests are sent in a free format or in the form of a formalized SCR message, in accordance with current IATA standards (SSIM).

Operating regulations of Cherepovets airport from 10/27/24 to 03/29/25 (Moscow time)

  • Monday - Thursday, Saturday from 7:00 to 22:45
  • Friday, Sunday from 7:00 to 23:30
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