To Ukhta from St. Petersburg or Moscow
with a 10% discount using the UKHTA promo code

Online registration

Register online
Airports where online check-in is available:
  • Cherepovets (except international flights)
  • Sheremetyevo Airport
  • Domodedovo
  • Pulkovo
  • Petrozavodsk
  • Arkhangelsk
  • Kaliningrad
  • Mineral Waters
  • Veliky Ustyug
  • Murmansk
  • Apatites
  • Ukhta
  • Soviet
  • Sochi
  • Ekaterinburg
  • Magas
  • Makhachkala
  • Kaluga (except flights to Minsk)
It starts 24 hours in advance and ends 4 hours before the flight departure.
Calculate your arrival at the airport taking into account the time required to complete all mandatory pre-flight procedures — security control, and for international transportation - border and customs formalities. When checking in online, we recommend that you complete all mandatory pre-flight procedures at the airport no later than 40 minutes before departure.
For flight safety reasons, the airline reserves the right to change the seat you have chosen on board the aircraft upon receipt of your boarding pass or on board the aircraft at the direction of the aircraft commander.
When completing the online registration, the terms of the Location Selection service apply.
The presence of a printed coupon is mandatory. If you were unable to print your boarding pass at home, you can print it at the check-in desks at the departure airport. Mobile boarding passes are accepted only at Cherepovets, Domodedovo, Sheremetyevo and Pulkovo airports. At other airports, you will need to present a printed boarding pass. You can print it out yourself, or contact the check-in desk at the departure airport no later than 50 minutes before the flight departure.
If you are traveling with baggage exceeding the size of hand luggage (more than 55×40×20 cm and weighing more than 8 kg), you can check in online, but additionally you need to arrive at the check-in desk 60 minutes before the flight departure time. Check-in at the airport check-in desk ends 40 minutes before the flight departure time.
If you belong to any of the following categories of passengers, then in any case contact the check-in desk at the departure airport: unaccompanied children, pregnant women, passengers with pets, passengers with disabilities, groups of more than 7 people. The number of places available for online registration is limited.
If you are flying on transfer flights of the Severstal Airline, then when passing the online check-in, you should register both for the first flight to the transfer airport (transfer) and for the connecting (next) flight.

Check-in at the airport

Passengers must arrive at the airport with enough time to complete check-in and pre-flight formalities. The departure time on the ticket (itinerary receipt) is indicated locally.

Check-in start time at the airport

Check—in for regular domestic flights of the airline at the airport opens 1 hour and 30 minutes in advance, with the exception of flights departing from Sheremetyevo Airport — opens 4 hours before departure; for international flights - 2 hours before departure time indicated in the itinerary receipt of the electronic ticket.

Registration end time

Passenger check-in for both domestic and international flights of the airline ends 40 minutes before the flight departure time. Passengers who are late for the check-in deadline are not allowed on the flight

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